Sunday, December 23, 2012

subliminal messaging and the power of the subconscious.

Aside my criminology research, I recently started to look into subliminal messaging and its early origin, the range of its appearances, the power of its play on the subconscious and the terrifying effect of manipulation it has overall; I believe this type of study could contribute towards my psychological research also, and has a big impact on understanding how we deal and think about things today. The problem with subliminal messaging, is that most of it is of a negative agenda and by that I mean introducing and directing morbid, sexual, emotional, racial and abusive material towards children (see Disney movies for examples), which alter and effect the way a child grows up; and if proved too effective, unnaturally. Get 'em while they're young, they say. Generally, subliminal technique is aimed for propaganda, marketing and mind-controlling purposes. Businesses aiming for high sales encrypt clips/pictures of food, text and desirable items into programs, advertisements and voice clips at such a short period it is unnoticeable; this means they are not visible to the eye but because subconsciousness can process information at 20,000 bits at a time while consciousness can only deal with 7±2 bits at a time, these things are not seen by the eye and the individual is unaware of such things. The subconscious, however, stores these things permanently and even unaware, we are often drawn into its manipulation like beggars to clothed and wealthy folk. The subconscious operates below the level of conscious awareness; it controls automatic functions, reflexes and handles the process and storage of incoming information and media. As we all know there are five senses -sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell- but there are at least thirty seven sensory inputs in the brain. All of the content picked by these senses is sent to the brain and absorbed completely by the subconscious -however, only relevant and solid data is passed onto the conscious mind after it has been reduced significantly. All the rest remains ignored, like purged files from a computer hard drive. Here are two examples:

1) The most known experiment with subliminal messaging was conducted by a marketing researcher and psychologist James Vicaryin during the presentation of the movie Picnic. Every five seconds the words "Hungry? Eat popcorn. Drink Coca Cola" were projected for 0.003 seconds - see what I mean? Very fast, completely unseen to the eye but not to the subconscious. Following this trickery, sales of popcorn and Coke in that New Jersey theater increased by 47.8 percent and 18.1 percent respectively.

2) You may already know this, but Disney is the worst. In several films -the most popular being The Rescuers, The Lion King, Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast- there are several sex and death references. Some are too quick to detect straight away, but some are so obvious it's hard to believe the silly excuses that Disney comes up with. For example within an example: on the front cover of Little Mermaid, you can clearly see that the front of the castle has a somewhat phallic shaped construction. Speaking of penises in the Little Mermaid, don't you think the priest is a little too excited for his job??
In the scene in the Lion King where Simba collapses against the cliff with exasperation, the dust that flies out from beneath him slowly spells the word 'SEX' into the sky before flying off in a cluster of leaves. There is also a picture of a bare-chested woman in the Rescuers, and in the Beauty and the Beast where Gaston takes final fall from the cliffs of the beast's castle, if you pause right when his face is up close you can see a skull inside each of his pupils.

Personally, I find this insanely creepy. I am paranoid enough as it is. I think it's safe to say however, that the world at least has been dominated by several parties using the subliminal manipulation technique -whatever the aim by the brainwasher in question. And because we, as I said earlier, are often unaware of these hidden messages, we often dismiss them and the allegations as remnants of a sickly paranoid person's imagination. That's because we're naive, and we want to believe the world is perfect. But the more we believe and look into things, the less paranoid and more aware we become. That, in itself, is not a term used for general purposes but only for some. It really is disgusting though, to think that no matter where we are or what we're doing, our minds are being consumed by power-tripping parties with no good intentions and only the intention to benefit from our vulnerable minds. I've noticed however, that the more I search for the subliminal messages in pictures and songs, the easier it is to detect them. I'm not going to go into the song side of things, because it scares the fuck out of me. I love music, and I hate the fact that the subconscious can process lyrical matter and read it backwards even to reveal the hidden message. They did an experiment on this a while back on the radio with Queen - Another One Bites The Dust. Apparently that line played backwards says 'it's fun to smoke marijuana". Its a bit obscured and needs to be played slower to be heard correctly, but the subconscious is capable of practically anything. That's all I'm going to say on the musical matter.
As for the visual media, well.
Get this. As if I hadn't seen enough from Disney - I was playing Super Mario Bros on my NES the other day with my younger sister. And on the underground level where the background consists of blue rocks/bricks and random sprouts of grass, I noticed that the grass in question spelled out 'SEX', downwards/diagonally. Fucking insane, I tell you. I think I am the first to discover this as I could not find any relating or matching posts on that matter. My sister also found a skull that flashes quickly on the flag when you ride the pole down after completing a level. I won't go into the fact however, that there are several visible skulls throughout the game - on the poles that shoot bullets at you. They will use the bullets to fill the void where people question the skulls, but I think it goes deeper than that. It may seem an innocent kid's game but to me it's a morbid deathly subliminal message, conducted to remind children that they will confront death one day and should be aware of it. Or perhaps it is a play of the emotional side of things; depending on the individual's emotional capacity, and with no risk. That's the problem. Another common technique used to detect subliminal messages is image-inversion. The colours reversed can reveal things unseen to the eye... unless you stare at it for a good twenty seconds without blinking, close your eyes then blink rapidly at a white wall. I'm gonna say it again: this is really fucked up; yet so very interesting. Interesting how the words 'SEX', 'BLOOD', 'FUCK', 'DEATH' have the same impact triggering our attention as our names being called would. Who is to blame? Don't make me answer that. The most common subliminal message is 'SEX'. I don't know why, I'm only taking a guess here. I guess it could relate to the domination of male figure over feminine - speaking in a completely different context here - or to manipulate and somewhat hypnotize people into a world where they believe that sex is above all and the most desirable; something we should all engage in. Therefore increasing the population and the idea of destroying and using the world to their advantages. I noticed that many of my Christian friends who grew up with the wish to maintain their virginity until their honeymoons desire sex about the same amount a drunken middle-aged and V-free person might. It's not just society, it's all the hidden bullshit in today's media. No one is safe. You realize that, right? Here are more examples in which the word 'SEX' is visible:
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
-Vintage -even modern- comic art
-Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons. DISGUSTING.
I even noticed in a Jantzen ad the shadow of the man's hand on the rope had been altered so that the shadow against his polo formed an 'E', a 'S' was airbrushed deliberately in the sea beneath his underarm, and the 'X' was made for the stitch in the middle of his shirt. Some guy I knew a while back conducted a study in which he took the Coca-Cola logo, examined it and found that it formed someone hanging themselves; and he took another Coke ad to present someone committing suicide by lead poisoning, and an accompanying smiley face. Fuck, at this rate I'll never sleep. So I'm gonna leave it at that. There's too much to say but as I said earlier I am paranoid as fuck and this is just fucking with me. Maybe I'll watch some Bette Midler or play with Myra a little while before I sleep. I am so not finished, though. Continue in daylight.

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