Saturday, January 19, 2013

aDOOMinati - Part One

Occult conspirators against the Illuminati movement (which was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt and believed to be a sex/Satan worshiping cult of manipulators slowly aiming for and working towards world domination) have detected, diluted and pointed out the characteristics, references, symbols, and the famous All-seeing Eye from several influential video games, movies and courses of literature that point towards and demonstrates clues of the secret organization and how it operates. Of course there are other mediums, but these are the main ones I hope to successfully point out.
The trouble is, is that it is believed that celebrities and 'false-idols' such as Obama, Beyonce, George Bush, Jay-Z, Chris Brown, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus and a range of other popular artists are 'elite' Illuminati members themselves and hand-chosen (according to their current position over society and whether they are targeted by a larger audience) to be responsible for incorporating the sexual, morbid and satanic messages in mainstream media; therefore manipulating the young subconscious minds of our generation into following the hidden path to darkness. The darkness, they say, is the fate of the world in which Illuminati determined would come if their plan via subliminal messaging proved to be of success and they managed to take their place over the world. Of course by this, I mean subconsciously manipulating people to a point where they become brainwashed completely, unaware of certain signs and submitting themselves willingly to power. Personally, if you ask me, I am terrified. Absolutely. I'm paranoid enough as it is about the world and its hidden messages, and the fact that people don't take this seriously makes them an even more easy target. So far it's working. Subliminal messaging has existed for a very long time in advertising schemes, the entertainment industry and food marketing (quite often, unrelated sexual subjects and insinuations are used to draw the viewer in (since past subliminal messaging has adjusted the mind to become aware and alerted to sexual material) and their subconscious to the bigger picture -no pun intended).

Naturally, the euphemism behind 'Illuminati' is of a calming notion: "People claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something." My translation is: "A secret organization of morbid manipulators who claim that by obtaining the minds/souls of 'powerful' figures of society such as celebrities, presidents etc they are able to brainwash the general public into the darker lifestyle they believe would lead to world domination on their part."
It is in fact a dangerous movement; one that most don't take seriously, or tend to laugh at. Many will try to categorize the situation, labeling it a pointless conspiracy and a product of a delusional mindset. If you go and watch the music video: Ke$ha - Die Young, you'll see many fabricated symbols and indications pointing towards the Illuminati project.

Ke$ha is, in fact, a puppet to their fists; and in return, her fans to her own. In the music video, the following symbols are seen to be either flashing, looming in the background, engraved on the car or immersed in the plot/characterization of the video itself and the people involved:
-A skull and bones (said to be an indication of death and Satanic worship within the Illuminati community)
-An inverted crucifix flashes several times (an obvious symbol used frequently within the Church of Satan)
-The word 'EVIL' engraved in silver on the car door, lasting only two seconds before another scene begins.
-Ke$ha arrives in a hearse -which is another indication of death- and when the doors are opened, her body is twisted in a somewhat tortured and twisted manner. The gang members -who are dressed heavily in leather and generally mean-looking) are seen carrying her out and above their heads as though she is a queen not worthy of ground dust. I believe that this is an insinuation of Ke$ha's superiority. Since the song is called 'Die Young', it is an indication that we are all peasants unless focused and brainwashed Illuminati members ourselves. Ideally for them, we will all die with the ultimate impact of their cult upon the world. And she will rise above us, an elite member along with all the other celebrities who sold their souls to the Devil himself.
-Later on, during an unnecessary orgy between Ke$ha and a few girls (who are all predictably dressed in an overly sexual/body revealing manner) there is a pentacle seen looming in the background above Gaga's head in frosty neon light. Although this may very well be a reference to fit with the certain dress code of the video, it's also quite clear that this is yet another indication of the Satanic/witchcraft concept, since pentacle stars are used for ritual purposes within demon worship and the Satanic church to complete blood and life sacrifices.
-The sexual theme itself is encouraged far too much within the duration of the music video. Although homosexuality is almost generally frowned upon within society, Ke$ha uses this orientation to grab the attention, curiosity and sexual appetite of people, therefore withdrawing them from a world of bore. Its an indication that she's arrogant enough to 'break the rules' and wants to enforce herself as an aspiring role model and rebellious figure; the perfect concoction for an idol in her eyes. For an artist who aims her themes, music and style at teenagers in this generation, she is a lot more adult than her audience should be exposed to; speaking of exposure, the women in the clip (including herself) are wearing so little clothes they might as well not even bother. The core purpose of sex (I believe) is for two people IN A RELATIONSHIP TOGETHER to physically demonstrate mutual passion between themselves. Not with a group of people like in this video, and not so carelessly and disrespectfully. They all look degradingly horrible, as though the sentiment of love-making is utter rubbish and should be abused according to one's selfishness and craving. No wonder society is the way it is now, with all these manipulative modern celebrities using their money and positions to take advantage of the vulnerable and curious mind. In a few flickering scenes during the orgy, two wolves are seen to be wrestling in an either intimate or aggressive manner. Its hard to tell, since the picture is adjusted to slow-motion mode and in such quick snaps between other scenes. If it is sexual, well... is this an encouragement of bestiality? Let's just put more icing on the Sex cake and disturb those who are aware even more. If it was aggressive, well.... it could very well be a reference towards her fans whom she refers to as 'Animals'. And that, in itself, is another portrayal of her superiority over her minions. Basically, her fans are all careless and blind pets who play easily into her hands. They drink milk that is poisoned, and as we can all see now, the damage is near-irreversible.
-Ke$ha covers one eye several times through the duration of the video, so that we are focused on one eye of hers. That, in itself, is the most popular and frequently-used Illuminati symbol; the All-Seeing eye. She does this so much, people can't help but notice and conspire. It doesn't help either, that the editing of the video is cut into transparent triangles - much like the pyramid surrounding the All-Seeing eye itself.

Lady Gaga is responsible for aiding the cause of sexualising children. Why is it that some teenage girls are accustomed to dressing in a skimpy fashion according to their "idols"? Because they're unaware of the concept of brainwashing- and are playing the role of sex slaves within the community; in reference to Illuminati's regulations. Her performances are adult-themed pantomime and vaudeville burlesque. This doesn't seem much of a children's kind of genre, let alone something 'good parents' should be allowing them to inhale effortlessly. According to those who enjoy her music and have adjusted to her style, she's certainly a role model; but only in the romantic sense that artists are generally admired, encouraged and rewarded for breaking rules - even if it means to be odd - thus, the charisma that draws people in. Lady Gaga is a public-manipulator, mind-controlling sex fiend who uses several euphemisms throughout her musical lyric matter so that to the naked eye, teenagers and young girls and boys are unaware of the sole meaning and continue to promote her 'style' within the community. One thing's for sure; Lady Gaga is simply a plagiarist; who recycles diva Roison Murphy's fashion, as well as a mixture of other famous stylishness. Rather than creating and obtaining a name in originality and signature, her talents lie in media-manipulation and self-promotion. She was in trouble with Bette Midler last year, for ripping off her Delores DeLago act (the famous mermaid in a wheelchair which was a big hit during the 70s) during a concert. Midler sent her three frustrating Tweets, and I quote her: "You can keep the meat dress and the firecracker tits - mermaid's mine." It was then, that Gaga denied these claims then later on admitted to being 'seduced and admired' by Bette's DeLago act. That, in itself, contradicts her earlier denial and indicates fibbing. And no one ever lies just once.

Michael Jackson was murdered by his doctor (who was obviously an Illuminati member) for trying to break free of their clutches and attempting to send hidden codes revealing their plan via his music to the public. 'They don't really care about us' and 'Earth Song' are clear indications of coded tip-offs; he was reaching out to the world in hopes of convincing us of the power behind Illuminati. He was tortured in their grasp; and was playing a dangerous game by rebelling against the conspiracy. Needless to say, he was unsuccessful at the time when his comeback tour was cut short -say occult conspirators- when he was murdered by his controllers i.e. his doctor being the one chosen to do the dirty work. And as you know by now, he covered his tracks according to his medical 'profession' and the claim that Jackson had been overdosing on painkillers for a long time before his death.

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