Monday, November 12, 2012

hey you; STOP JUDGING.

A few people pissed me off today. And whether you like it or not, I am going to treat this blog entry the way I would a personal journal -but not too personal- as I have been from the very moment I created my Blogger account, and in hopes of helping people to understand that you simply cannot judge one on whom they love or choose to glorify, the way they choose to deal with a situation and the way their mind functions in general; and in that it's very important that, before concluding an opinion based on a simple glance, you explore the situation outside of the box. It helps to read more than a mere article, people. Would the term 'individuality' exist, if we were all the same person? What beauty is there to hold and cherish if we are all clones, programmed to feel and see things exactly the same, and with that, what use would the word 'love' be?
There are some errors in this world that are permanently at loss of being fixed; but there is always the notion of improvement or bettering a situation to make it easier to understand. And today, while I was conversing the people who pissed me off, I noticed they lacked this ability; and the ability also to conceal a personal attack with a poor attempt at a joke.

Here's an example:  You will not judge Myra Hindley. Many of whom I know had no idea who she even was, before they met me. And then they read one single article or even a crummy headline, and they go bonkers. I'm sure in your world, that a serial killer with "pathetic justifications for their crime" is a piece of shit and doesn't count as a person but a monster; and an unemotional freak of society. But you forget; with judgment comes the separation of one from society. And you are part of society, with attitude like that. Stereotyping, labeling, quick leaps to fictional and baseless conclusions. There is no need for it. If you're going to judge, however, at least have the decency to make sure I'm not present. Otherwise you just look like a mentally-underdeveloped and defensive fool; especially when you haven't done any research and are far from the context of perfect. Perfect doesn't exist, so don't act a replica of it. As much as I disagree with the concept of labeling one with a mental illness and deciding that that's all their soul goes by, with most there are psychological reasons and annotations that affect one's life choices and the way their mind functions in general to all sorts of situations. That is why we are all different, douche bags. 
You can't judge Myra for killing, and then say you would shoot her. Justice or not, it's still the same action. I don't care if you think she's a bad person and that's why you would kill her; it's a form of justification and the reason why most serial killers do what they do. There is always a motive behind killing, some sort of momentum that drives their careers. Would you still think the same if she were like you, and killing someone for a good reason? I'll bet you wouldn't be so quick to judge if you went into proper research and actually opened your minds for once - God forbid.
Let's look at this scenario:
What the media says: "Myra Hindley killed only for love, and because she obtained an obsession for Ian Brady and was under his murderous spell."
Well, like Barbie, this is a shitty caption and sends the wrong message altogether. On what basis do you have to support this claim, with the absence of research and skim-reading abilities? How does this idea even indicate accurately that Myra did not feel passion for what she did prior to meeting Brady? She was not under a spell at all, she chased the fire that made her heart beat faster which is more than I can say for most. In the transcript of the Lesley Ann Downey audio tape, Myra is heard abusing and taunting the child on her own terms. According to Brady, she insisted on killing Lesley herself, and often carried the string she used to strangle her to death around her wrist, while cruising Ashton Markets. She did this obviously for pleasurable and memorable purposes; yet another indication that she did what she did because she wanted to, not because Brady pursued her. I need not mention the fact that Myra's interest in him began because she noticed his love for Nazism, sexual torture, philosophy, and the literature surrounding these. It occurred to me that most journalists are too lazy for background checks, and might very well make shitty forensic examiners. That, and the fact that people forget that 'fact' and 'opinion' are two very different organizations in this world and can be deciphered accordingly and quite easily if one puts their personal touchiness aside for even just a minute. So no, you will not shoot Myra Hindley. You will open your damn eyes and try to preserve whatever dignity and sense of individuality you still have.

That's all I can say at the moment. Now I need a smoke.

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