Thursday, November 15, 2012

Last class with Rob today, last class for the year!

This is so goddamn trippy.
2012 went by so quickly, my mind has sort of numbed over the idea of finishing the first year; which to me -in terms of experience with high school- has always been the one, it seems, to drag on the longest. Maybe it's the third year that'll tiptoe. But I don't wanna think about that right now. It hasn't even kicked in that we're through with the year for MIT. My mind is still in that set that I plan to return to class on Monday. I can't even remember most of the fucking day!

Today, in groups, we presented our work. Aly's group first, me and Barb, then Amber, Sonia and Tom's group. Everyone did quite well! I noticed also, that there was a generally happy aura about the classroom and it was a very relaxed session. I enjoyed seeing what the other two groups had come up with for their presentations, and how they went about it.Sonia made cupcakes as part of herself and her group's assignment! It was AWESOME.

After presentations, Witi's class joined ours, and we had some food. After that, we went out for a smoke and we took literally 200+ photos together; I kid you not. We need memories, you know?!
Then we took some fun videos together; some of which I intend to upload on YouTube purely for the benefit of the Bad Girlz Club, and being able to look back on the video later in life to reminisce.
I'm surprised at how laid-back, loud and giggly people were; must be the fact that we're on a real holiday now and everyone's just relaxed and relieved. It was like people were naturally happy this time, and not just smiling for the fact that we're around each other. A healthy glow; can't wait to meet up in the holidays! BRIT NIGHT: #Sonia Aurelio #Amber Esau. We're not even going to drink when we catch up. We're going to sit in a circle and pass around some rosary beads for a few hours, and then hit the sack at 6:30p.m. so we can be up at 7am for the morning mass; so that we can cure our hangovers with a word to God. ;)
Shit, honestly, I can't remember much from today. I'm in a haze.
I love all my gorgeous friends :D Gutted that Sonia and Alesha aren't returning next year :( but at least they'll be free of school work and have better chances to catch up whenever!

...I hated ruining the cupcake :( It was so professionally structured and perfect looking!

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