Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today's Performance

This is funny.
I performed today, no biggie; with the rest of my class and while various singers and rappers broke awkward silences and attempted to iron away wrinkles of tension within the room. One thing's for sure: I hate mic stands, and standing in one spot. I work better when my feet are molesting the floor completely, and I'm not enclosed in an invisible cage. It intensifies the pressure of attention that way, and now I feel like shit because I don't believe I performed properly. Despite the kind comment from an elderly man when we were dismissed to food and disappointment of alcohol bans. He said my poem was one of the best he'd heard today, which made me feel better. But he said his hearing was terrible, and that I tripped over a few phrases. It's out of my hands; just as I cannot cup grains of sand through shaky fingers. I wish Mehcov had been there, she would know for sure where I stand; which is over her as she lies motionless.
The poets did well, needless to say.
My mother stood on the sidelines. She smiled and presented applause.
Yes, twas a great day and the sun beaming. But I could not wait to get outside so I could light me a fag and drink what reminds me of a Black Russian but sadly wasn't.

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