Tuesday, October 9, 2012

here we go.

Plants with blades too sharp to the edge; wrecks piled to manured nuisances and overlapping groans and twitch with easy seep. So, so terrible but simple to overcome.

Today with Grace, we performed our poetry again. This time I chose a different poem, something non-personal and something I am deeply passionate about. No one really cares for the environment anymore and I am no fucking environmentalist but is it too much to ask to ask the government to stop building meaningless crap on top of what should be preserved? I am not against technology altogether but, well, sooner or later New Zealand is going to lose its "green" reputation.

Anyway, back to class.
I got good feedback this time; it's pretty much a given that I've got to work on my body language, gestures etc because it's the very first time I ever presented this poem, but apparently my voice works and there were no problems with my word content which is good. I'll practice it enough that I memorize it but I've decided it might be a good idea to hold a baby doll wrapped in a blanket whilst I'm performing this piece. It's a metaphor to connect the dying life of nature, to the dying hope of a child born to a world it thinks will be perfect; that's why I plan to throw the baby away -literally- at the end of my performance. I'm not too sure if it will work, but I can only try.
It makes me laugh.

- - - - -

Barbara and I skyped at 2155 hours. Again we discussed the content of our presentation, and what should work, connect and go into it. I think we've got a pretty good head on it now. I was positive about our collaboration from the very first time we discussed it outside over a cigarette (well, I smoked but she didn't). I'm feeling very positive about it.

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